Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services | Somerville, MA
Permanent Position
Since 1972, Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) has been the area’s aging information and service center. SCES helps older people and people living with disabilities remain safe and independent in their own homes by providing a wide range of supportive services, as well as information and advice. SCES services are available to older residents of Cambridge and Somerville, as well as their caregivers. Some services are open to adults with disabilities who are age 16 or older, and to residents of the Greater Boston area. SCES is a state-designated Aging Services Access Point (ASAP), formerly known as a Home Care Corporation (HCC) and a federally designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA).
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) seeks a visionary leader to collaboratively develop strategies that support the ongoing operations and financial viability of the organization that is consistent with SCES’ values and goals. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will demonstrate a commitment to serving the diverse members of the Greater Boston communities that SCES serves, which is one of the most diverse communities specific to ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, and income levels and s/he will provide overall leadership and direction for the agency, ensuring fulfillment of SCES’ mission.
Reporting to the Board of Directors, the CEO has full responsibility for all aspects of the agency and its operations. The CEO advocates for the agency and its clients in the community and with funders, partners, and other federal, state, and community leaders. The CEO works with senior management and the Board of Directors to identify opportunities and challenges that continue to emerge and develops short- and long-term plans to address these opportunities. The CEO derives authority from and is responsible to a voluntary and elected Board of Directors and oversees programs and policies that have been formulated in conjunction with the Board of Directors.
For More Information
For additional information, please contact Dana Young or Myranne Janoff at 781.938.1975. All contact with our office will remain confidential.
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We welcome nominations and referrals of prospective candidates. Interested parties, please send resume and cover letter to