Building our relationship
We assign the most qualified team of ZurickDavis professionals for each client’s search. Our teams are collaborative and multidisciplinary, and based on team members’ expertise, experience, and familiarity with the industry segment and type of position.
Through our Discovery process, the ZurickDavis team gains a comprehensive understanding of our client’s culture and of the experience, skills, personality type, motivation and leadership style that best align with the organization’s vision, mission, values and strategic direction.
We develop a Leadership Profile for our client’s review and refinement. One of the most critical elements of the search, it defines our client’s needs and expectations, guides our outreach and candidate evaluation and provides the basis for promoting the position in a way that attracts and excites well-qualified candidates.
We analyze the market and business environment and work with our client to formulate a comprehensive search strategy and agree on process, expectations and the timeline that will define the search
Key Milestones
- Organizational Assessment conducted by ZurickDavis
- Client approves Position Specification
- Search strategy is developed