Building Your Leadership Skills
How do you become a leader? What does that mean? Our speaker, Anita Karcz MD MBA Senior Vice President at ZurickDavis, will provide a framework for analysis and taking action. This Webinar will cover developing your leadership skills to create positive personal and organizational change.
Dr. Karcz spent several years as a practicing emergency physician and was active in hospital and professional society leadership roles. She was Vice President of Clinical Product Development at InterQual Inc., a company that developed utilization criteria for hospitals and managed care. She has been on the founding team of three medical device companies and has served as a management team member or business advisor at several other early biotechnology, medical device and health care IT companies. She was Chief Medical Officer and co-founder of the Institute for Health Metrics, an organization providing data services to hospitals.
She served as a member of the AHRQ advisory panel on severity adjustment research. She was also an invited participant for the President’s Council for Science and Technology Advisory meeting in 2013. She has served as chair and board member of the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge, an organization helping entrepreneurs build successful companies. She has a BS and an MD from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Northeastern University.
This Webinar is a non-commercial presentation sponsored by ZurickDavis
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Posted on Apr 26, 2019