Making Quality a Board Priority
Achieving benchmark quality performance is now a strategic financial imperative for organizations and their boards. Because of their backgrounds, most board members are more versed in finance than quality. How do you provide the background, competencies and support for board members to effectively interpret quality measurement and initiatives? What is the board’s role? Our speaker, Esther Emard, covers how she has led this transformation.
Esther serves on several boards, including the Care New England Health Care System’s Board of Directors (CNE), the Visiting Nurse Association of America and the Blueprint for Health Executive Committee for the State of Vermont. She is Vice Chair for the CNE System’s Quality Committee and Vice Chair for the Credentialing Committee (Chair as of 1/1/2016). In addition she is Co-Chair for the Systems’ Visiting Nurse Service. She is a faculty member at George Washington University and Adjunct Faculty at the University of Rhode Island. Her areas of expertise include Quality Improvement & Measurement, Patient Safety, Health Policy, Leadership & Change and Coaching. She held previous positions at the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care.
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Posted on Feb 24, 2016