Consulting division of ZurickDavis, where our three plus decades serving organizations with executive search services joins with extensive consulting expertise from our consulting team.
Executive Leadership Consulting
ZDconsult is the consulting division of ZurickDavis, where our three plus decades serving organizations with executive search services joins with extensive consulting expertise from our consulting team.
Reynold Spadoni, president of ZDconsult, has led significant organizational transformations throughout his career, including at Community VNA (a subsidiary of HopeHealth), Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, St. Joseph Hospital in New Hampshire, Neighborhood Health Plan (now AllWays Health Partners), and Dimock Community Health Center. Rey and his team specialize in financial turnarounds and organizational transformations, strategic planning, developing and implementing major strategic partnerships, program and corporate divestitures, supporting executive team and trustee development, and conducting strategic, financial and operational assessments.
Rey leads a team of experienced consultants who are ready to assist with:
- Strategic assessment, planning, development, and implementation assistance
- Financial and operational assessment and planning
- Financial turnarounds and organizational transformation
- Developing and implementing strategic partnerships
- Merger and acquisition planning and implementation
- Executive team development and coaching
- Board and trustee development
- Organizational change management
- Succession planning
We design engagements to meet your needs, based on your organization, your mission and the rapidly changing health care environment.
Case Study: An organization requested assistance in developing a strategic plan. A critical goal for this engagement was the education and development of organizational consensus regarding questions of mission and identity, environmental challenges and opportunities, and the best course of action going forward. Our work included internal and external assessments, the formulation of key issues and questions to be addressed, the organizational response to key issues and questions, and the development of tactical, strategic plan/timeline. We also developed high level, 3-year financial projections based on alternate future scenarios (baseline, pessimistic, optimistic) and high-level profit-and-loss statements for each.