Our guarantee reflects the quality of our work and the confidence we have, not only in our ability to meet our clients’ needs but that our candidates will pass the test of time. In the unlikely event that an executive we have recruited departs before one year, ZurickDavis will conduct a search for a replacement at no charge. For CEO positions, we extend this guarantee to two years.
We Produce Great Results for Great Clients
Over 80% of our business is from satisfied clients who return to ZurickDavis for additional searches. Over the years, we have developed close personal and professional relationships from across the entire spectrum of health care delivery and management, and we are proud to have served some of the most notable for-profit and not-for-profit organizations in all of these categories:
- Assisted Living and Senior Care Facilities
- Ambulatory Care Facilities
- Community Health Centers
- Home Health Organizations
- Social Service Agencies
- Not-for-profit Membership Organizations
- Physician Networks
- Physician Group Practices
- Academic Medical Centers
- Community Hospitals
- Specialty Hospitals
- Insurers
Take a look at our testimonials and our clients.