35 Years of
We bring passion, energy, and expertise to advance leadership in your organization.
98% of the CEOs we have placed are still on the job five years later.
Over 93 percent of our searches in the last two years have featured at least one candidate from an underrepresented group as part of the “Recommended” slate.
As a woman owned and operated business, ZurickDavis is especially committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and is an equal opportunity employer. Diversity, equity and inclusion are built into our corporate DNA. From our beginnings, we’ve served organizations that recognize the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion, such as community health centers, senior care, home care and social services organizations.
Collaboration. Partnership. Expertise. Results.
Our clients rely on us to help them with complex executive searches that require depth of understanding, a customized approach and the integrity and transparency that makes the process seamless. And they return to us again and again because we deliver on our promise of going beyond the transactional.
98% of the CEOs we have placed are still on the job five years later.
Over 93 percent of our searches in the last two years have featured at least one candidate from an underrepresented group as part of the “Recommended” slate.
Take a look at our testimonials and our clients.